THE PADRA Analysis Part 2: The what, the how and the importance of…

Welcome Conquerors, in Part 1, we took a look at the background to conducting the PADRA Analysis. This post provides the steps in conducting the analysis and further highlights the importance of this process as a habit for Christians seeking to build a true relationship with Christ.

NB* This self introspection must never ever be attempted without the express will and commitment to surrender all to God and the resolution to be obedient to his word going forward. One must understand 1st that the solution is already there and that it is in the standard of the word. Failure to do so will have far reaching negative consequences in that the demonic already has an agenda to fill the inquiring mind with his own version of truth and further harm the unsuspecting individual.

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Proverbs 29:18

Have a vision first!

THE PADRA Analysis:

The PADRA Analysis is an action plan to deal with pain from the root according to the instruction and standard of the word. Woundedness influences a person’s response to incoming information in a negative way and so often negative perspectives are nurtured into more serious and otherwise harmful response mechanisms. The PADRA ( Pain Anger Disappointments Regrets & Anxiety analysis) is therefore a deliberate self-introspection exercise designed to zone in on areas that raise negative emotions or memories in us and analyse them using the Word of God with an agenda to outst them. (Pain Anger Disappointments Regrets Anxiety… replacing self-truths with God’s truth)
Scripture records that: THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (John 8:32)
So with the PADRA analysis, one is basically required to take an audit of their negative emotions and feelings since childhood. These create dark spots (lies) in our innerman as they oppose the promises set out in the word of God. The more they are left to stay there, the more they seek to overshadow the light. Light (truth) manifests itself in the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22) which then bring fruitfulness in the physical.

A simple example is where scripture says, “Love covers a multitude of sins” or “Love your enemies/pray for your enemies”

A person who is whole can do it and infact seeks to love always. However, one with a wounded spirit cannot as they find it difficult to love those that they have classified as enemies of their progress and as it were oppose them. They are vengeful and self protective so they will see negative treatment or responses from others or even the environment as war against them and their default response is –retaliate. Retalitation is not necessarily counter response but may even be internal response e.g anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, silent treatment etc. whereas a whole and sound individual will respond with compassion. This is a response that is more interested in the other person and why they would want to wound others by their choice of words or hurtful action. The mindset of compassion rests in the never-ending and never-failing love of God and will not be moved ny negative actions from others.

A soul that exercises the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5.22) at all times is happier and more fulfilled than that which seeks to have its own way even if the fruits are bad.

How to conduct a PADRA Analysis:

  1. Draw up a two column table.
  2. State the negative memories and associated feelings and emotions in line with each PADRA on one column (write the people involved too)
  3. Write a corresponding scripture attached to the negative memory/ feeling/emotion on the other column i.e what God says about it in his word (Bible). This can be researched from the Word of God


The PRADA analysis seeks to bring Colossians 3:12-13 to life;

This noble scripture of the holy texts makes it clear that the fruits of the spirit are not automatically actionable by one because of salvation or knowledge of the Word and therefore must be ‘Put On’. Putting them on means they can be put off suggesting that one can even neglect to wear them. The self-introspection exercise therefore helps serious Christians check their ‘spiritual fruits’ dresscode and dress accordingly by wearing the fruits of the spirit.

The following are guidelines to conducting a successful PADRA analysis;


Pain must never be packed in. It must be worked and walked through until it is safely disposed without further harming self or anyone else. The process begins with accepting the unfortunate cause of pain as well as acknowledgement of the acts of violation by offenders whether verbally, emotionally or physically. After acknowledging pain, one must make deliberate and conscious effort to forgive the perpetrator(s) and move on from it forever. It must be noted that moving on does not mean what happened is nothing and must be left, it means that one chooses to carryon even as the clock has been ticking from the day the offense or unfortunate incident happened. It’s therefore time to catch up the the clock that has long since left those unfortunate happening behind!

The process can often lead to unpleasant memories and should only be done at a time when one will not be distracted and they have set aside time specifically for this exercise.


Crying is a big possibility as one begins to trade on sensitive ground in the book of their life. Its all part of the healing process only as the crying is directed to the God of gods who is the chief of battles and fights for his own. Crying into emptiness or into the unknown or unspecified invites other elements or beings that are already there in the atmosphere to rush in and offer their own forms of comfort and protection or even further attack one in a form of pervetted warfare which then defeats the whole purpose of subjecting everything to the Word. Counterfeit sources of comfort have a pricetag on them whose payment will be a further complication and source of even more pain. Individuals are therefore encouraged to be vigilant, prayerful and strictly focused on the most Holy Spirit of the living God.


If God commands it, confer not with flesh and blood. Like the Apostle Paul in Galatians 1:16, drop every other human opinion, mindset or truth and move with the word henceforth. The fruits of the spirit are a major highlight during this process (Galatians 5:22). Practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, longsuffering and self-control and above all live it! Sometimes people that are in that list may show up from no-where and normally this is a divine set up for the issue connected to them to be resolved God’s way. It would normally be for the one doing the PADRA to revise their feelings related to this person and bring them up-to-speed with the instruction of the word e.g to forgive, again part of the process cultivating the fruits of the spirit and watering them (Galatians 5.22). Moreover, when one chooses to address pain God’s way, it means that they have to believe his Word first. Now that signals the testing of the believed word as highlighted in the parable of the sower (Mark 4:16). Will the word take root and bear fruit or it will be choked, blown away or die off?

At this point, forgiveness is needful. It is a spiritual law which does not and should never equate to condoning violation of any sort. Forgiveness is not an event too. It a process which begins with the desire to let go and let God. Desiring to let go does not by any means translate into the removal of pain or memories associated with the pain onspot. This means that once one confesses forgiveness, the journey only just begins and pain is still very much present. However it is the continuous effort of total surrender, a positive mindset, feeding the spirit with Godly truth and self re-definition that will cast out the pain leading to inner-healing.


Pain modifies an individual and recalibrates them into unbelief leading to negative emotions associated with PADRAs e.g rejection, bitterness, unforgiveness, rebellion, anger and pride. People become overly suspicious, develop trust issues as a means to self protect. Instead of the truth of God reigning, the pain causes an individual to assume that what has transpired is truth leading to self-truth based on self devised copying mechanisms which further shuts down the heart from faith in God. Negative actions against us hurt because they are being forced on our ‘positive’ innerself causing pain. We are not made negative. We are created and loaded with positive energy and so negatives seems to push us into what we are not and it hurts. This is always a result of ignorance…lack of agreement between our spirit self (pre-loaded with all good and positive) and our physical self (born into this wicked, negative and opposing world). However regardless of negative experiences, God’s word remains the only truth and final authority. This is the reason pain becomes the lie. One must therefore yield to the Holy Spirit and the fact that they need truth in the inward parts…that truth is not personal or worldly truth but his Word that is the only truth (Psalm 51.6). Moreover, always remember he says, ” I will never leave you or forsake you” (Joshua 1:5) so he is in it throughout (in one’s past, present and future) for their good and ultimately HIS Glory.


Honour God as if he is there with you and infact he is! In all feelings, in all the unsaid and said actions and emotions, have a consciouness of the presence of God. Always ask, what would Jesus do or say? Research it, pray about it and live it. When it hurts, cry unto God for help as sometimes being obedient to God defies self and becomes the most painful thing to do. One of the ways in which pain takes root in our lives as human beings is because of the seat of God we take in peoples lives. This is the seat of judgement which should only ever belong to God. The judgemental spirit we so often exhibit when offended and then have a final say on the matter concerning our own actions thereafter becomes a direct act of dishonoring God and stepping out of his holy presence. We create an opinion about others without making an attempt to inquire or understand what drives them into their negative behaviours, then we defile our own selves with that judgement thereby fortifying the stronghold of pain within our ownselves unawares. What’s worse is that in assuming that seat of judgement we infact challenge God (unconsciously) and like Lucifer being thrown out of his presence is the result. This is were one is in church but not in God. Doing all of ‘God’s business’ but without God. Do not be fooled! It simply wont work!

Thus, assuming that God is present, ‘is here’ and he is watching may always help us act accordingly and allow for God to create in us a clean heart and renew the right spirit within us. (Psalm 51). Reciting biblical truth and acting it out helps displace the pain and will ultimately cast it out as the Holy Spirit himself confirms his Word in us. Good overcomes evil.

In Conclusion,

The PADRA analysis then means stepping out of the negative emotions (lies that oppose God’s word) by deliberately refusing to harbour them and surrendering everything to the judgement of God (truth). Accepting the reality of a bad experience or past, dealing with it and subjecting it to the truth of God’s word makes way for forgiveness as one starts working on loving and accepting those/what caused the pain – in a godly way. Sometimes it is God we need to forgive, not because he wronged us BUT because he was blamed in our innerman. Sometimes too, self must be forgiven as often blame falls on self for allowing things to happen or making bad choices as if we have the power over our own lives (again an act of idolatry). This takes practice and deliberate effort over time as the pain naturally resists this. As it were, lies resist truth. Commitment to truth will bring deliverance from the lies (pain) leading to fruitfulness.

Trusting this post has been helpful.

Till then


falling is not the problem, failing to riseUP is….

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